Friday, June 15, 2012

Stop #7: Big Sioux S.P., South Dakota

The drive from Iowa to South Dakota was pretty boring. There was corn on both sides of the road as far as you could see. One good thing was that the speed limit was 75 mph. Wish it was like that in Florida. We reached Big Sioux S.P. before it was dark and the boys were eager to get out and play. After setting up the camper, we went to the playground. Jason happened to glance down at his phone and saw the time. It was nine o'clock and the sun was still up.  It actually didn't get dark until 10 pm.
Pretty crazy, huh?  That night, we had the A/C on in the camper as usual but it dropped to 45 degrees outside. Needless to say, we were a little cold that night!

The next day, we went to Falls Park in Sioux Falls. It was the most amazing park in the middle of town.  The Big Sioux River cuts through rocks creating this beautiful oasis you wouldn't expect to see. It is like a mini Niagara and Grand Canyon. We climbed up and down steps, rocks and hills for hours. The boys had rolling races down the grassy hills there.

From the observation tower in the park, you could see the town, falls and also a meat company that was a slaughter house. There were truckloads of cattle coming in constantly and the smell was awful in certain areas of the park. I think we were all pretty worn out after our trip to Falls Park.

We also had to make our trip to our favorite store, WALMART! It seems there is always something to pickup every other day or so.  Back at the campground, Jason cooked some dinner and then we had a campfire with smores. We met some nice people that were tent camping by the playground.  They were pastors who lived in the neighborhood adjoining the park.  We talked to them about tourist attractions to go see in South dakota in the next few days. That night it stormed pretty bad and they abandoned camp at some point.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing pictures of the waterfalls. Looks like a nice place. Glad to see you guys are having fun on your trek across the country.
